We see a lot of different kinds of luxury cars on the roads here in Doha. Cars that would never be seen in New Brunswick are fairly common here. When you think that just a couple of decades ago the main method of transportation in this country was by camel, you can understand why the people here love their automobiles. The saying "from camel to Cadillac in 20 years" is more than a truism. Oil money has brought ostentation, and that is most evident in the vehicles.
A couple of weekends ago there was an international automobile show at the Doha Exhibition Center. I thought you might like to see some of what was on offer.
A Beemer for Paul:
And one for Jennifer:
And how about this one for Cait?
Thank you!!! And when can I expect that to arrive?
and also...I bet that baby corners like it's on rails!
Nothing for Dave? Charles rules!!
And can I ad you have become a bloggin maven ...
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