The first challenge was to figure out how to drive on the left side of the road. Dave didn't take too long to get the hang of it and, other than a nervous hour or two as we made our way out of Auckland and onto the open highway, we had no trouble at all.

NZ roundabouts are much more civilized than those in Doha and NZ drivers are safe and courteous. Of course, the roads are so narrow, windy and hilly they probably have no choice.

New Zealand has such diversity in landscapes, ecosystems and vegetation, from the beautiful coastlines on east and west, to the volcanic majesty of Mount Taranaki, the rugged ranges of the Southern Alps, and the rain-forests of the western slopes. The scenery is every bit as eery and magical as you would expect of the setting of Lord of the Rings.

On our way to Russel on the North Island

Mount Taranaki

The Fern Tree was the plant that I watched for as we drove. It is so tropical and exotic it seems out of place in the land of cattle and sheep.