It is difficult to find a really good loaf of bread in Doha. The Arabic bread is great but it is a flat bread and can't compare to the soft, crusty loaves that we make in N. B. Dave is always telling me about the bread that he whips up in the bread maker and I feel so envious. So this week we went to Lulu and bought a bread maker for the villa. Dave has had a great time this week trying out recipes that he has found on the internet. He's mixing up an Italian garlic bread right now to have with the chili that we will make for supper. He's also had good luck with the oatmeal nut bread like he usually makes at home.

It has been so good having Dave here this past week. I didn't have chores saved up for him but his second wife, Kimberly, did. We went to her villa this morning after church and finished up her little jobs. Oh no, there is one more thing Dave has to do for Kim--bake a coconut cream pie!