To those restless souls who say that there is nothing to do in Doha, you must not get out of your compound much. Granted, Doha is not exactly sophisticated or cosmopolitan. Practically every day you can see some kind of livestock being transported through the city on the back of a quarter-ton, and roosters`crowing is a familiar sound. There isn`t much for green space, and side-walks are practically non-existent. But to say that there is nothing to do is completely wrong!
Let me tell you just some of the events that took place in Doha this past week. Last week-end there was a huge wedding and fashion show at the Exhibition Center, and an international diving competition (FINA)was going on at the Aspire Center. Canada was represented at the diving competition by two young women from Montreal who managed to win a silver medal in the synchronized 10 meter event. That was quite a thrill for all of the Canadian ex-pats who were there waving maple leafs in support of their team. Kudos have to go to the Chinese team, though, who took all of the gold medals. It was exhilarating to watch them as they tumbled and turned, cutting the water so sharply on entry that there was hardly a splash.
Then on Tuesday there was an Arabian horse show at the Equestrian Center. Along with the beauty of the horses and the skill of the trainers and handlers, we were also treated to aspects of Qatari culture--home cooked food, weaving, henna, handcrafts, perfume and incense--set up in a tented and carpeted area. Outside were displays of other Qatari pastimes--vintage cars , speed boats and racing cars and motorcycles. The horse show was followed on Wednesday and Thursday by ``The 30th Race Meeting Festival with H. H. Emir Trophies and Sword Day``. Four races on Thursday evening had a total purse of $4 million American, and the Emir himself was on hand to award the trophies. To top off the evening, 2 Toyota Corolla`s were given away to two lucky audience members--actually two Sudanese fellows who happened to hold the winning numbers. What a night! I think at least half of the city was in attendance.
So that was just this week! Then there have been events like the Qatar Masters Golf Tournament, concerts by the Qatar Philharmonic, theatrical presentations by the Doha Players, the American School of Doha, and Qatar Academy ( they are staging Wicked next week), international tennis tournaments starring Venus and Serena, soccer championships featuring none other than David Beckham. Then there are all the multi-cultural festivals like Pakistani Day, Kerila Day (actually the Kerilan groups have festivals and shows with famous Indian actors and entertainers frequently throughout the year), and all the activities of groups like the Qatar Natural History group, the Quilters Guild, and others.
So don`t tell me that there is nothing to do in Doha! I`m winded just to think about it all. Oh, I see it`s time to go. We`re invited to our neighbour`s place for supper. Then tomorrow we will get up early and drive to Al Khor. We`ve been invited to a Sheik`s horse farm for a tour and lunch. Never a dull moment!